Game Result Predictions

Today, February 21

The RP Predictor calculates the final score of each game based on each team's offense, defense, and rank.
Each team's predicted score has a Confidence Level of High, Medium, or Low.
All times are Eastern
Final RP Prediction
Score O/U-Spread Win Prob. Confidence
14 Michigan State
(22-5, Road 6-2)
75 72 145 46% L
12 Michigan
(20-6, Home 12-1)
62 73 -1 54% L
Final RP Prediction
Score O/U-Spread Win Prob. Confidence
16 Marquette
(20-7, Road 6-5)
66 71 140 58% L
(16-12, Home 13-3)
81 69 +2 42% L